Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Opening Page of Weird Collectibles

Welcome to our world. 

This is new so give us a chance. 

All of our "rules" are below.

I will be back with more!

If you want to purchase one of these
opening items, just contact us at
Contact for Invoice with Shipping

Rosie O'Doll $20

Vintage Hollywood souvenir  $12

Old Mr & Mrs Duck Salt & Shakerss $15

50's Dollhouse furniture $35

Carvd Mother of Pearl Buttons $40

Righteous Mod Tea Set $38

Strange Wooden Salt & Peppers $20

Fish Bottle for Cod Liver Oil $35

Original by Ayla $35 

A Brockton Mass. Phonebook featuring Shirley Temple $15
3 50's Men's Magazines $18 

Chalkware Dutch Figures $24

Bronze Baby Shoe $ 21

Buddha Hotei $50

11 California Raisins $13

8 Advertising Glasses $23

Vintage Fan Mag Hit Parader $9

 Somewhere along the line, when everyone was taking a right, I took a left. The result was that I ended up with an entire household of the wierd or maybe unusual or strange or just things that when you came to visit, you would want to pick up and say ooohhh and aaahhh! I always wanted to live in a Museum that made people say oooh and ahhh!

I have thousands of items. From a collection of 1500 salt and pepper figurines from the early 1900's until the 1950's, to dozen of pieces of Grunge Art, vintage original Rock & Roll posters to antique spitoons.
We estimate to have nearly a million (that's 1,000,000 approx.) sorted buttons of all shapes, and colors.
I am not a hoarder. We are clean people who don't smoke or have pets, we just got a little out of control when it came to buying stuff, first for ourselves and then to sell and now we can't move.

Here is what I want to do.

As we proceed, I will organize these blog pages so that if you are looking for toys, you can click to toys. If you want buttons :Click...buttons. And probably a section of just weird stuff that I have no idea how to catalogue. 
When I say I have an entire household filled to the rafters, I have a household filled to the rafters.

I will provide a link to Paypal. If you don't like Paypal, I will provide another means to contact us and send checks or cash or trade for other wierd stuff. Here is an address we can exchange information on and you can find out more about what we have or details of what you might be interested in

I will add items as I photograph them. I keep over 100 items all the time in a store on ebay called MyRetroMoms or just click here. 


To purchase something, contact us first, provide your address and if you have a preferred method of shipping.
We have shipped well over 4000 items from delicate 1800's porcelins to ceramic dolls and we have NEVER had a breakage or a loss.
We use USPS First Class under 14 oz.
USPS Priority for 15 oz. and above
We will use parcel post to reduce your shipping costs and we also have a Federal Express account for shipments of 5 pounds.
We will glad ship International.



This makes it faster for you and saves us a step. We ship quick and will send an item to any address you give us.

Write today to find out if we have what you are looking for!

Thanks and enjoy. I will add items that I think are wierd where you might think they are totally normal (I have an Autographed set of photo's from Star Trek TNG, including an autographed 7 of 9 Mint in the Box figure with Jeri Ryan's signature. Not weird but fun to get!)